Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Issues of Race in William Shakespeares Plays - Free Essay Example

This dissertation provides a critical discussion of the issues of race in such William Shakespeares plays as The Tempest, Titus Andronicus and Othello. Analysing the context, in which these plays are created, and applying to such theoretical tools as the qualitative research method and the social constructionist approach, the research evaluates different perceptions of race through the principal characters of the plays and investigates in depth various critical views. The received results reveal that William Shakespeare interprets the issues of race in a close connection with religious beliefs, politics and social events in Elizabethan period. Although some findings of the research are consistent with the previous studies, other results provide new interpretations and valid data as to the racial issues in Shakespeares plays. The issues of race constitute one of the most important themes in world-wide literature. Although in Elizabethan England the ideas of race were much ignored due to the confusion and lack of knowledge in regard to foreigners, William Shakespeare usually applied to the issues of race and racism in his plays. On the basis of such portrayal, it is clear that people of different races lived in England in those times, and that Shakespeare was aware of the complex relations between English people and foreigners. Through his characters, the dramatist uncovers the negative aspects of Elizabethan social ideologies that created a gap among races, alienating foreigners from other members of English society and contributing to their destruction. However, even today the researchers continue to dispute about the implications of race in Shakespeares plays. Some scholars maintain the notion that the differences in religions and cultures aggravated the alienation of various races in England, while oth er researchers oppose to this viewpoint, claiming that the colour of skin influenced the complex relations between Englishmen and foreigners. Thus, the issue of race is rather controversial and it should be discussed through religious, cultural, social, political and ethnic contexts in the plays of William Shakespeare. To some extent, such controversy can be explained by the fact that the race has always been utilised to substitute the established social systems for new social hierarchies that reflected their own norms and principles. In this regard, in Elizabethan times people were socially divided into one or another race, taking into account the colour of skin, religious beliefs and cultural traditions of various individuals. Another controversy concerns the origin of the word race that usually dates back to 18-19th centuries; therefore, Shakespeares researchers prefer to substitute the term race for the term otherness in their analyses of Shakespeares plays. However, such shift from one term to another term is not able to eliminate Shakespeares unique interpretation of racial issues in the selected plays. William Shakespeare wrote many of his plays in Elizabethan period, the era when, contrary to the commonly accepted view, people of various races began to arrive to England. Some recent findings provide valid evidence as to the existence of black people in the 16th-century London. In this regard, the issues of race, to which the dramatist applies in such plays as Titus Andronicus, The Tempest and Othello, provide a new vision on the impact of these races on cultural and social life of English people. At the beginning, black people were taken by force and brought to England as exotic creatures that possessed no rights, but finally they became the members of English society who were called as the Moors. However, such racial integration soon resulted in rather complex tensions among different races, and Shakespeare reflected these relations in his works. As Bernard Harris puts it, To Elizabethan Londoners the appearance and conduct of the Moors was a spectacle and an outrage, emphasising the nature of the deep difference between themselves and their visitors, between their Queen and this erring Barbarian1. Thus, English people could rarely distinguish one race from another race. However, Shakespeare, who took an active part in public life and visited various cultural and public-service institutions, had an opportunity to observe foreigners and attitude of the English towards them, depicting his observations in his literary works. In addition, Margo Hendricks claims that various economic and social changes occurred in England in the middle of the 16th century2. In particular, England established constant relations with Morocco. As a result, various merchants and military people of different races began to arrive to the country and acquire certain positions among the members of English society. All these non-English people, who arrived from Africa, Israel, Ireland, Wales, Scotland and some other places, were called as aliens or outsiders. Despite this integration, many Englishmen revealed racial biases towards these foreigners. According to Ania Loomba, Jews, Moors and Christians were never simply religious categories, but variably articulated with nationality, and ethnicity, and often colour3. Thus, on the one hand, English people accepted foreigners in their country, but, on the other hand, they treated them as outsiders, if these foreigners acquired more power and knowledge in comparison with native citizens. Various violent attacks were initiated by English people against these foreigners; such hostility was intensified by Church that pointed at the poverty of Englishmen as a result of foreigners integration into social, political, economical, religious and cultural life of English people. In this regard, English society either rejected these foreigners or forced to assimilate to them, paving the way for racism. This can be explained by the fact that Englishmen were afraid of acquiring culture and traditions of foreigners, as they became engaged in economic relations with them. As Margo Hendricks claims , Beginning in the middle ages, the English engagement with foreigners often functioned on two levels: spiritual and material4. Although Englishmen realised that they could receive material profits from their interactions with people of different races, they made everything to preserve their superior position. It was in this environment of racial tensions and complex relations that William Shakespeare created such plays as The Tempest, Titus Andronicus and Othello. The aim of this dissertation is to analyse the representation of race in the selected Shakespeares plays on the basis of different perceptions and viewpoints. The research is divided into sections. Chapter 1 presents a statement of the problem that reveals the core of the analysis. Chapter 2 provides a general overview of the issue, observing the context, in which the plays are produced. Chapter 3 offers a survey of the works that have been written on the issues of race in Shakespeares plays. Chapter 4 points at the research methods that constitute a theoretical basis for the conducted analysis. Drawing upon earlier findings and evidence, Chapter 5 observes in detail the issues of race in such plays as The Tempest, Titus Andronicus and Othello. Chapter 6 makes a summarisation of the results, while Chapter 7 stresses on the limitations of the dissertation and provides some suggestions for further research. Due to various controversies and ambiguities that emerge during the analysis of William Shakespeares plays, the researchers provide different interpretations of the dramatists portrayal of race. For instance, Hunter points at the impact of the existing religious and cultural norms on the attitude of Englishmen towards foreigners in Elizabethan times5. Thus, the researcher considers that Shakespeares plays reflect the spirit of that period and relations among various races. Although some viewpoints of Hunter are of considerable interest to understanding of Shakespeares presentation of race, his analysis is limited only to the religious explanation of racial differences. Hunter pays no attention to social and cultural changes that occurred in England in the 16-17th century, shaping the relations between Englishmen and foreigners. In his analysis Hunter suggests that Elisabeth had rare contacts with foreigners, but this is not really true, if taken into account her edicts that she issue d at the end of the 16th century, according to which foreigners had to be expelled from England. This fact points at Elisabeths awareness of foreigners and her fear of them; however, on the other hand, the Queen continued to admit black people to her court and, to some extent, supported the spread of slavery. More contradictory findings are presented in regard to individual Shakespeares plays. Discussing the moorishness of Shakespeares play Othello, Barbara Everett provides a challenge to [our] perhaps too simple African sense of Othello6. Everett claims that the dramatist wants to uncover racial tensions in the 16-century England, thus Othello is, in short, the colour the fiction dictatesthe Moor may be quite as much Spanish as African7. In this regard, Everett applies to the discussion of political, religious and social contexts of Elizabethan period in her interpretation of racial issues. Virginia Mason Vaughn regards Othellos blackness as the reflection of his otherness, as she states, The effect of Othello depends on the essential fact of the heros darkness, the visual signifies of his Otherness8. While Arthur Little points out that Othellos tragedy can be explained not only by his different race, but also by his marriage to Desdemona, a white female, and by his jealousy9. Davison goes further in his analysis of Shakespeares play, in particular, he suggests that Othello is not about race, or colour, or even jealousy. It dramatises the way actions are directed by attitudes, fears, and delusions that rule the subconscious than by evident facts10. Analysing Shakespeares play The Tempest, Curt Breight points out that in this work the dramatists portrayal of race reveals colonialism and terror of James I, thus Prosperos attempt to achieve the superior position over other people is a simple reflection of Kings actions11. Paul Brown expresses the similar opinion in regard to the play, claiming that The Tempest interferes into colonialism, and this intervention takes the form of a powerful and pleasurable narrative which seeks at once to harmonize disjunction, to transcend irreconcila ble contradictions and to mystify the political conditions which demand colonialist discourse12. Further, Brown points at the fact that Calibans rape and assault are explained by his intensified sexuality that was considered to be a characteristic feature of Indians and other races, except white people. Thus, Prosperos control over Caliban reveals the suppression of Calibans sexuality as well. William Shakespeares play Titus Andronicus has been considered as his most unsuccessful literary work for a long time; however, the inability of researchers to understand this play can be explained by the fact that Titus Andronicus is rather ambiguous and doesnt conform to a particular classification. Here, Shakespeare interprets the racial issues in their connections with religious beliefs of Romans and provides two-fold vision on morality of both civilised people and barbarians. Charles Martindale and Michelle Martindale point at Senecas influence on this play, uncovering the dramatists utilisation of classical sources and claiming that Seneca was the closest Shakespeare ever got to Greek tragedy13. Although all these critical works provide different interpretations of Shakespeares plays, taken in integrity, they generate rather accurate data. This dissertation applies to two research methods a qualitative research method and a social constructionist approach. As crucial theoretical research tools, these methods provide an opportunity to discuss the issues of race in Shakespeares plays through various perceptions and viewpoints. The qualitative method is aimed at analysing different interpretations of race, generating valid data that have been rarely mentioned in the earlier studies. According to Taylor, Interpretation is an attempt to make sense of an object of study. This object must, therefore, be a text, which in some way is confused, incomplete, cloudy, seemingly contradictory14. Drawing upon certain qualitative data, the research uncovers controversial arguments in regard to the discussed issue and evaluates cultural and social events in Elizabethan times. The principal sources are taken from various literary texts and critical researches on Shakespeare. The social constructionist approach allows to investigate soci al, cultural and historical contexts of the period, in which Shakespeares plays are created. This approach is especially appropriate for this research, as the term race is regarded as a social construction phenomenon. This means that the social constructionist approach challenges the conventional biological interpretation of race, evaluating race through the social perspective. Thus, the method provides a basis for analysing the unity between race and social environment in Elizabethan era. 5.1. The issue of Moorishness in Shakespeares play Othello Although many contemporary critics and playwrights make attempts to disregard the issue of race in Shakespeares play Othello, the dramatist himself considers this aspect to be crucial for understanding his characters. The principal protagonist Othello belongs to the race of the Moors, and as Everett points out, moorishness was a condition that had a meaning, for Shakespeare and his audiences once casually familiar though long lost to us15. According to Barbara Everett, the word Moor is thought to originate from mauri who lived in Mauritania province in North Africa16, but English people preferred to apply this term to all foreigners who differed from them either in race or religious beliefs. As Emily Bartels claims, the Moor was usually associated with similarly ambiguous terms as African, Ethiopian, Negro and even Indian17, because the origin of the Moors was rather ambiguous, either the mixture of Berber and Arab or Muslim. In this regard, when Shakespeare calls Othello a Black Moor, he accentuates the blackness of the principal hero, because the Moors were both white and black. By presenting the black character, the dramatist uncovers the existence of racism in the 16-century England and reveals his awareness of the complex relations between black and white people. According to Harris, When Shakespeare chose, for this audience, to present a Moor as his hero, he was simply more aware than his contemporaries of the co mplex pattern made by white and black18. Othello demonstrates the biases of English people, in general, and Queen Elizabeth, in particular, towards the Moors. For them, black colour of these people symbolised evil and disaster. Thus, as Margo Hendricks claims, In the writing of the day, the Moors were described as subtle, stubborn, bestial and intolerant19. Othellos blackness emerges as a result of his relations with other people who reveal certain biases towards this protagonist. Roderigo claims him a wheeling stranger20 with thick lips, gross clasps of a lascivious Moor21. Iago evaluates Othello through his racial biases, pointing out that jealousy and sexuality are characteristic features of the Moors. As Edward Berry states, Othellos moorishness is not only a mark of his physical alienation but a symbol, to which every character in the play, himself included, must respond22. Brabantio also expresses his negative attitude towards Othello, claiming that he is disappointed with Desdemona who fall in love with what she feard to look on23. Desdemona herself seems to reveal certain racial biases to the person she loves. Othellos words admire Desdemona, but she is not physically attracted to him. Such prejudic es prevent her from understanding Othello who is obsessed with beauty of Desdemona. By contrasting black and white, the dramatist simultaneously uncovers the complex relations between two races, revealing that cultural differences may result in tragedy. On the other hand, such shift from whiteness to blackness or vice versa reflects the elements of racial attitude of Venetian people towards Othello. This can be explained by the fact that the Queen was obsessed with white colour, proclaiming it as a colour of goodness and virginity, while black colour was considered as a colour of evil and dirt. Such attitude resulted in the creation of the complex racial tensions between Englishmen and black people. For instance, almost all characters of Shakespeares play avoid calling Othello by name; instead they constantly address him as the Moor, implicitly rejecting him as the member of their society. Thus, Othello is treated as an object because of the racial differences between him and other members of Venetian society. This viewpoint can be explained by the social constructi onist approach, according to which society initially establishes some norms and principles, and further it applies these rules towards certain personalities. Othello makes constant attempts to integrate into this society, but it turns away from him. Despite the fact that he possesses some values and the rank of a general, society is not able to overcome its racial prejudices. As Everett puts it, Othello is almost any colour one pleases, so long as it permits his easier isolation and destruction by his enemies and by himself24. In this regard, interpreting the racial issues of the play, Everett points at political and social situations in the country in the 16th century. In particular, moorishness of Othello may reveal his position as a foreigner, a person who differs from the rest of population and who is regarded as a damnable creature. According to Hunter, Elizabethans awareness of foreigners was closely conditioned by a traditional religious outlook on the world25. Therefore, the attempts were made to reduce the position of these people in society. In fact, Othello excels many respectable members of society, and he sincerely believes i n the beginning that My parts, my title, and my perfect soul / Shall manifest me rightly26. But racial prejudices appear too powerful, destroying Othellos intentions to achieve an appropriate place. Iago is the first person who rises against Othello, trying to prove that such people are dangerous for the existing social norms. As he claims to Desdemonas father, Even now, now, very now, an old black ram / Is tupping your white ewe27. As a result, Brabantios initial attitude towards Othello is greatly changed under such racist words. He tries to prove that Othello has utilised some spell to make his daughter marry him. Such action reveals that in those times the Moors were regarded as people engaged in mysterious and awful affairs. Thus, the only reason for Brabantios accusation is Othellos blackness. Although Othello seems to initially win the respect of Brabantio, Desdemona and some other people by protecting Venice society from Turks invasion, such racial prejudices do not allow them to accept Othello as equal to them. Despite the fact that they admire his courage and romantic nature, they are unable to admire him when society reveals its rejection towards Othello. As a result, racism, inspired by Iago, destroys both Othello and Desdemona. Their racial differences appear too powerful and they prevent these characters from understanding each other. In this regard, Shakespeare seems to oppose to the existing social system and ideologies that are based on the principles of superiority. Othello, who is only racially different from other members of society, is regarded as inferior to them, and it is racism of these people that causes the characters destruction. The ideologies of Elizabethan England were aimed at establishing such social norms that regarded other races as inhuman. Othellos alienation occurs because of these social standards that shape the attitude of society towards certain individuals. The qualitative research method demonstrates that a literary text usually reflects cultural and social contexts of a certain period28; this is just the case with Shakespeares play, in which the dramatist portrays his characters of different races thro ugh specific contexts. Shakespeare reveals that, on the one hand, Othellos military achievements allow him to socialise with the members of the upper class, but, on the other hand, the characters blackness deprives him of the possibility to belong to this society. Such racial attitude of people negatively influences Othello who starts to experience uncertainty about his social stand. This uncertainty is aggravated when he decides to marry a white female who belongs to the upper class. Gradually, Othello becomes obsessed with jealousy and doubts and acts like a real animal, forgetting his noble manners. Therefore, racism gradually destroys the protagonist and reveals the hate of such people as Iago to people of other races. Iago makes everything to alienate Othello from Desdemona, Brabantio and other members of the upper class, changing peoples attitude towards Othello with his racist words. Although at the beginning of the play, Iagos wife Emilia doesnt express her attitude to Othello, she explicitly reveals her racist views after Desdemonas murder when she claims: O, the more angel she, / And you the blacker devil!29. Further Emilia calls Othello as ignorant as dirt30; this comparison allows Shakespeare to show the attitude of white people towards the black race. Like Othello, dirt is black, and dirt is thrown away, because it is nasty. Many people in Shakespear es play have the similar opinion of Othello, alienating from him and implicitly revealing their xenophobic nature. They even provide Othello with hot temper and increased sexuality. To some extent, such viewpoint is explained by the fact that Englishmen identified black people with the son of Noah who was punished for seeing his father naked and with Islamic religious traditions of polygamy. In this regard, William Shakespeare manages to realistically portray society of his time that rejects any person who belongs to a different race or adheres to different religious beliefs. 5.2. Racism and social domination in The Tempest Although Caliban, the character of Shakespeares play The Tempest, is not really black, he also experiences alienation because of his race. His mother comes from North Africa and is considered of Berber origin, thats why many white people, who appear on the Caribbean island, express racial attitude towards Caliban. As a result, this protagonist is usually regarded as a devil and inferior to other characters. For instance, Prospero teaches Caliban the ways to live in the island; however, then he starts to treat Caliban as a poisonous slave [and] devil31, considering this vulgar barbarian as a threat to Miranda. In this regard, Prospero implicitly reveals the existing stereotypes of the 16th-century when people with black colour of skin were thought to possess intensified sexuality, thus marriages between a black male and a white female were rarely accepted in European society. It is clear that such notion is greatly exaggerated, but Christian laws and moral principles of those times were rather strict, opposing to each display of otherness. Due to the fact that Calibans origin is not clearly identified in the play, the character falls under the category of otherness, performing a subordinate role throughout Shakespeares narration. On the other hand, Caliban is important to Prospero who mentions to Miranda that they cannot miss him. He does make our fire, / Fetch in our wood, and serves in offices / That profit us32. These words prove that colonisation initiated by English people and utilisation of black population for their own benefits were crucial for England. Colonisation allowed the country to overcome many economic difficulties, such as unemployment and hunger, increasing Englands power among other European countries. Therefore, English colonisers utilised various measures to control these black people; however, Shakespeare reveals that Caliban doesnt want to accept such treatment, he considers himself as the original owner of this place. Before the arrival of Prospero and Miranda to the island, Caliban is really perceived as a king, but the attempt of Prospero to civilise Caliban transforms the character into a slave. As Caliban states, Thou strokst me and make much of me / and then I lovd thee, / And sh owd thee all the qualities othisle / For I am all the subjects you have, which first was mine own king33. Prospero makes an attempt to create a hierarchical structure in the island, according to which people are divided into superior and inferior on the basis of their race and position. Such behaviour of Prospero proves that the involvement of English people in slavery began in the middle of the 16th century when Englishmen realised the benefits of slavery, failing to understand the negative impact of this superiority on black people. For instance, finding himself in close relations with white people, Caliban starts to feel alienation in the place he lives. According to Ric Allsopp, Prosperos dominance over Caliban reveals the social structure that existed in England in that period and that deprived foreigners of the possibility to lead normal lives under racial prejudices34. Colonisation of the island aggravates these biases and provides Prospero with an opportunity to receive power over the islanders. As MacDonald puts it, representations of racial identity and difference, similarly matter and show in early modern English literature, [are] itself the product of an age of slavery and colonial displacement35. By applying to such claims as Providence Divine36, Prospero implicitly points at the fact that he has a control over the island and its inhabitants37. However, Caliban states that it is his mother who controlled the island and further transferred this right to Caliban. In this regard, Prospero, utilising various magic tricks, takes a control over the islanders by brute force, putting its inhabitants into positions of slaves38. In o rder to avert peoples attention from this control, Prospero claims that Caliban has tried to rape his daughter, simultaneously revealing the stereotypic vision on barbarians. But some critics consider this accusation as Prosperos attempt to conceal his violent actions in regard to Caliban and other native people39. Thus, it is no wonder that Caliban rises against Prospero and his control; however, finally Prospero suppresses this assault, proving that white people are superior and more powerful than people of other races. Society is considered to exist on the basis of two ways of interaction: subjugation and mutual interchange of profits. In the case of Shakespeares play The Tempest, the relations between two races are based on subjugation that allows Prospero, as the member of a more powerful racial group, to enslave Caliban and other native inhabitants and utilise them for his own benefits. As a result, a race of white people appears in a more advantageous position than a race of the colonised black people. It is clear that their relations are not based on mutual interchange, thats why the members of the second group are deprived of their freedom, forme r life and cultural roots. However, by the end of the play Prospero realises that on a long-term basis such kind of relations can result in many negative consequences for both interacted groups. Therefore, despite the fact that Caliban usually acts as a barbarian black savage, Shakespeare reveals that, to some extent, Calibans actions are justified. When white people arrive to the island, where he lives and where he is thought to be a king, and deprive him of his rights and freedom, he rises against such subordinate position. Caliban, who collides with another culture and another race for the first time, is unable to understand the difference between these white people and native inhabitants. But for Prospero the difference is obvious; Prospero, Trinculo and other white people regard Caliban as a monster, and Trinculo even thinks of taking this beast to England and demonstrating him in specific shows. These shows were rather popular and beneficial for the countrys economy in the 16th century, as people of diff erent races, mainly Indians or the Moors, were shown to English audience for a certain fee. As Caliban understands that Prospero transforms him into a slave, he opposes him by claiming: I am subject to a tyrant, a sorcerer that by his cunning hath cheated me of the island40. As Prospero makes an attempt to civilise Caliban, his major aim is to suppress Calibans nature and make the character serve him. Such dominance over wild inhabitants reflects the attitude of Europeans towards these people of different race. This attitude is especially obvious from the following words of Miranda, Prosperos daughter: Thy vile race / Though thou didst learn had that int which good natures / Could not abide to be with; therefore wast thou / Deservedly confined into this rock, / Who hadst deserved more than a prison41. Such judgement reveals serious racial prejudices; it is clear that Caliban is not able to withstand such attitude, and his rape of Miranda and his assault against Prospero are direct consequences of this racist treatment. However, Prospero manages to stifle a rebellion and change his attitude towards these black people. He leaves the island and releases Caliban. Such actions reveal Shakespeares views on colonisation and race; the dramatist proves that the relations among different races should be based on mutual benefits and freedom. But if one race suppresses another race, this suppression will finally result in the destruction of both races. Despite the fact that Caliban acquires the language and manners of the colonisers, they do not change his nature, because racial attitude, suppression and enslavement deprive Caliban of adopting these norms. Simultaneously, these actions deprive Prospero of establishing good relations with native inhabitants, instead inspiring hatred in them. But as Prospero provides freedom to Caliban, he also achieves inner freedom and understanding of other people. 5.3. Interpretation of race in Titus Andronicus Similar to Othello, Aaron, one of the characters of Shakespeares play Titus Andronicus, also belongs to the race of the Moors and is portrayed as a black person. But, unlike Othello, this protagonist confirms to the stereotypic representation of a black villain who claims that If one good deed in all my life I did / I do repent it to my very soul42. Being the lover of Queen of the Goths, Aaron manages to ruin the Andronicii, as well as Titus Andronicus. Like Othello, he is also regarded as a devil, a symbol of evil and destruction. However, Aaron differs from Othello in many ways; above all, Aaron, this barbarous Moor43, applies to various actions and tricks in order to intensify his social position. But as Bartels puts it, although Aaron has the freedom and ability to manipulate and maneuver close to the court circle, he is still an underlying servant with no possible avenue for advancement44. Aaron himself understands that his appearance and race are serious obstacles to his accept ance in society, thats why he wants to seclude himself from others and to bring [his son] up / To be a warrior and command a camp45. As a result, Aarons son manages to survive, while Aaron is murdered by Lucious, because Aaron is considered to be an absolute evil that deserves death. In this regard, Othello appears to perform a certain role in society, while Aarons position comes to simple adjustment to the existing environment. Therefore, contrary to Othello, the Moors in this play are presented as false and unfaithful. Both Aaron and his Moor lover deceive Titus and make him apply to cruelty in regard to his own family. But the character of Aaron is important for interpreting the issues of race; in particular, through Aaron the dramatist uncovers the connection between religion and race. Shakespeare reveals that due to his race Aaron is not able to express sincere religious beliefs, and in Roman society, similar to English society, unbelievers are excluded from its members. Thus, interpretation of race in Titus Andronicus differs from Shakespeares portrayal of racial differences in Othello and The Tempest. In this play people are divided into superior and inferior on the basis of their religious beliefs, but not on the basis of the colour of skin. In this regard, rather civilised citizens of Rome usually act in barbarous ways, if their religion or moral principles require them to turn to such actions. For instance, Romans conduct a religious murder of Tamoras son; although Titus considers this sacrifice fair, according to their religious beliefs, Tamora regards this murder as sadistic and dishonest. But, despite Tamoras appeal to Titus, he kills Alarbus, claiming that Die he must, to appease [the] groaning shadows that are gone46. As a result, Tamora decides to take revenge on Titus for her sons murder, thus such devotion to religious traditions inspire hatred and murders throughout Titus Andronicus. On the other hand, Shakespeare reveals that Tamora and Aarons race as the Moors brings destruction to everyone and everything around them. Contrary to Othello and The Tempest, in this play black people are portrayed as revengeful, villainous and sly. For instance, when two sons of Tamora fall in love with Lavinia, Aaron suggests that they rape the girl in a secluded place. Demetrius and Chiron follow his advice, harming Lavinia. Tamora also resorts to cunning to achieve her personal goals. Although she marries Saturninus, the emperor, she remains a lover of Aaron, dreaming of the times, when they will be wreathed in each others arms / [and] possess a golden slumber47. During these meetings Aaron acknowledges that he constantly thinks of vengeance and blood. When Tamora gives birth to a child and understands that he is also a Moor, she wants to kill him on order to conceal the truth from Saturninus, but Aaron wants to save his son. He kills the witnesses and replaces his son by a whit e child. Aaron brings his baby to the Goths, but when they are captured by the Romans, he decides to uncover all secrets for his sons freedom. This sudden goodness is unusual for Aaron the Moor who, unlike Tamora, turns to cruel actions throughout the play, because of his evil disposition. Although Tamora is also evil inside, she has a reason for her revenge, but Aaron has no motive for his actions. By portraying different races in Titus Andronicus and revealing their thirst for vengeance and blood, Shakespeare demonstrates that in reality there is no difference among races. Although many characters of the play act, according to certain motives or principles, all of them experience racial prejudices towards each other. According to the qualitative research method, social reality is created by a certain nation that may either inspire or suppress racial tensions48. In regard to Titus Andronicus, the Goths and the Romans alternately achieve dominance over each other. However, these relations, si milar to Shakespeares play The Tempest, are based on racial superiority and are aggravated by cruelty and vengeance from both sides. The dramatist reveals that in society, where honour principles (like in the Romans) or principles of revenge (like in the Goths) are more powerful than any laws or moral norms, people usually turn to violence and destruction. In this regard, biological differences among these races are unimportant, because people in the play act, according to the established traditions or personal desires. Although Titus considers that he acts rightfully in conquering other nations, he follows his mean wishes to achieve superiority over other races. In this pursuit of power and supremacy, Titus turns to cruelty that cant be justified, as Saturninus claims, What hast thou done, unnatural and unkind49. Similarly, Tamora and Aarons revenge cant be vindicated, whatever are their motives. Finally, all these characters fail and destroy each other, proving that racial relatio ns should be based on mutual benefits and forgiveness, or otherwise they will destroy both races. Religious beliefs and moral values of Titus result in tragedy for many people, because Titus is completely devoted to Rome and its laws, as Tamora claims, Rome is but a wilderness of tigers50. As a result, Titus, a noble person, is no better than Aaron, the Moor, as both characters turn to revenge and violence. The research has investigated in depth the issues of race in William Shakespeares plays The Tempest, Titus Andronicus and Othello. The received results show that under Elizabethan ruling the racial differences between English people and other races were rather complicated, resulting in the formation of racism. In Othello the principal character, who belongs to the Moors, is constantly ignored and rejected by society because of his race. In this regard, Shakespeare uncovers the racist views of society, in which he lived, opposing to the prejudices and social ideologies of Elizabethan period. Applying to the issues of race, the dramatist challenges the cultural dominance of society over other races. Despite the fact that Othello and some other Shakespeares black characters are not really wicked, they appear in subordinate positions and are regarded as animals or slaves. Finally, all these characters fail by the end of the discussed plays; it is this failure that provides Shakespeares p lays with much realism and makes them understandable for modern audience, because the dramatist applies to those racial issues that are crucial for contemporary world. However, Shakespeares interpretation of these racial issues differs in each of three discussed play. In particular, in Othello it is the protagonists blackness that makes other members of society reject him and bring to destruction, while in Titus Andronicus racial differences are connected with religious differences, resulting in tragedies for many involved people. In this play Shakespeare reveals that a civilised behaviour of a white person may be regarded as cruel and barbarous by a black person. In this regard, Shakespeare eliminates the differences among races, pointing out that these differences are invented and depend on many other factors rather than on a simple biological distinction. The dramatist demonstrates how the creation of certain ideologies and beliefs in Rome, similar to ideologies in England, allowed the rulers to justify their cruel decisions and subjugation of other races. In the play The Tempest colonisation uncovers the possibilities for white people to occupy superior positions over black people, transforming these native inhabitants into slaves. The relations between Caliban and Prospero demonstrate the threat of an absolutist ruling that inspires racial tensions and intensifies imperial power of white people. However, by the end of the play Prospero and other colonisers understand that the relations among races should be based on mutual help and freedom, thus Prospero decides to free Caliban and the island. Throughout the narration Prospero makes constant attempts to suppress and change the behaviour of native inhabitants, to force them adhere to his morality, beliefs and norms, but when this pressure results in the serious rebellion, Prospero realises that his actions are wrong and his dreams are utopian. Although colonisation and enslavement of black people seemed beneficial for European countries, Shakespeares play reveals that in reality nativ e inhabitants are unable or refuse to adhere to European ideals and Christian religion. Thus, the dramatists portrayal of people of different races is rather ambiguous and controversial, complicating the understanding of Shakespeares views on the issues of race. However, despite this ambiguity, William Shakespeare clearly demonstrates that racial tensions result in many negative consequences for every involved race. Applying to the qualitative research method and the social constructionist approach, the received findings suggest that Shakespeares interpretation of race in Elizabethan times moves away from a traditional biological distinction and instead points at religious and social differentiation. In other words, in the 16th-17th centuries people in England were divided into Englishmen and foreigners; the latter group was mainly alienated from the rest of English society because of different cultures, different religious beliefs and different moral norms. However, Shakespeare reveals that the colour of their skin served only as a prerequisite for inspiring complex racial tensions and acquiring superior positions over foreigners. Although the research has covered many aspects of racial issues in the selected plays by William Shakespeare, the dissertations has a certain limitation. In particular, the paper has restricted its research to only three Shakespeares plays, The Tempest, Titus Andronicus and Othello, while the issue of race is also mentioned in other of his works, especially comedies. Taking into account this limitation, some suggestions for further research may be proposed. Despite the fact that the dissertation has evaluated different contradictory viewpoints on races in Elizabethan times, it is crucial, as Margo Hendricks puts it, that the framework of assumptions about foreigners had to be expanded51. It is also important to broaden the areas of research, concerning the differences in representing black male and female characters, as this aspect is poorly analysed in this dissertation. However, various gender theories are needed for such a profound analysis of gender roles. 1. Bernard Harris, A Portrait of a Moor, in Shakespeare and Race, ed. by Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp.23-36 (p.35). 2. Margo Hendricks, Surveying Race in Shakespeare, in Shakespeare and Race, ed. by Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp.1-22 (pp.15-21). 3. Anita Loomba, Delicious Traffic: Racial and Religious Difference on Early Modern Stages, in Shakespeare and Race, ed. by Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp.203-215 (p.210). 4. Hendricks, p.4. 5. G.K. Hunter, Elizabethans and Foreigners, in Shakespeare and Race, ed. by Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 37-63 (pp.40-47). 6. Barbara Everett, Spanish Othello: The Making of Shakespeares Moor, in Shakespeare and Race, ed. by Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 64-81 (pp.78-79). 7. Everett, pp.72-73. 8. Virgina Mason Vaughan, Othello: A Contextual History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p.51. 9. Arthur, Jr. Little, An Essence Thats Not Seen: The Primal Scene of Racism in Othello, Shakespeare Quarterly 44 (1993), pp. 304-324 (p.306). 10 P. Davison, Othello: An Introduction to the Variety of Criticism (Hampshire: Macmillan Press, 1988), p.64. 11. Curt Breight, Treason Doth Never Prosper: The Tempest and the Discourse of Treason, Shakespeare Quarterly 41(1990), pp.1-28 (pp.10-15). 12. Paul Brown, This Thing of Darkness I Acknowledge Mine: The Tempest and the Discourse of Colonialism, in Political Shakespeare: New Essays in Cultural Materialism, ed. by Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1985), pp.48-41 (p.46). 13. Charles Martindale and Michelle Martindale, Shakespeare and the Uses of Antiquity: an Introductory Essay (London: Routledge, 1990), p. 44. 14. C. Taylor, Hermeneutics and Politics, in Critical Sociology, Selected Readings, ed. by P. Connerton (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd, 1976), pp.153-193 (p.153). 15. Everett, p.66. 16. Everett, pp.64-67. 17. Emily C. Bartels, Making More of the Moor: Aaron, Othello, and Renaissance Refashionings of Race, Shakespeare Quarterly 41.4 (1990), pp.433-452 (p.434). 18. Harris, p.35. 19. Hendricks, p.3. 20. William Shakespeare, Othello, ed. by E. A. J. Honigmann (Surrey: Thomas Nelson Sons Ltd., 1997), 1.1.136. 21. Shakespeare, Othello, 1.1.126. 22. Edward Berry, Othellos Alienation, Studies in English Literature 30.2 (1990), pp.315-34 (p.318). 23. Shakespeare, Othello, 1.3.98. 24. Everett, p.72. 25. Hunter, p.51. 26. Shakespeare, Othello, 1.2.31-32. 27. Shakespeare, Othello, 1.1.87-88. 28. A Strauss, Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), pp.12-17. 29. Shakespeare, Othello, 5.2.134-135. 30. Shakespeare, Othello, 5.2.164. 31. William Shakespeare, The Tempest, ed. by Frank Kermode (London: Methuen, 6th ed., 1980), I.2.318. 32. Shakespeare, The Tempest, I.2.311313. 33. Shakespeare, The Tempest, I.2.334-354. 34. Ric Allsopp, Tempest(s), in The Tempest and Its Travels, ed. by P. Hulme and W. Sherman (London: Reaction Books, 2000), pp.162-167 (pp.163-165). 35. Joyce Green MacDonald, Race, Ethnicity, and Power in the Renaissance (Cranbury, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1997), p.7. 36. Shakespeare, The Tempest, 1.1.159. 37. Stephen Orgel, Introduction, in The Tempest, The Oxford Shakespeare (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), pp.1-87 (p.36). 38. Brown, p.109. 39. Brown, pp.61-62; Orgel, p.41; Breight, p.10. 40. Shakespeare, The Tempest, 3.2.40-42. 41. Shakespeare, The Tempest, I.2.357-359. 42. William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, ed. by Eugene M. Waith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), 5.3.188189. 43. Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, 2.3.78. 44. Bartels, p.449. 45. Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, 4.2.181-82. 46. Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, 1.1.125-126. 47. Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, 2.3.25-26. 48. P. Berger and T. Luckman, The Social Construction of Reality: a Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge (London: Penguin Publishers, 1967), pp. 24-30. 49. Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, 5.3.48. 50. Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, 3.1.54 51. Hendricks, p. 4. Allsopp, Ric, Tempest(s), in The Tempest and Its Travels, ed. by P. Hulme and W. Sherman (London: Reaction Books, 2000), pp.162-167. Bartels, Emily C., Making More of the Moor: Aaron, Othello, and Renaissance Refashionings of Race Shakespeare Quarterly 41.4 (1990), 433-452. Berger, P. and Luckman, T., The Social Construction of Reality: a Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge (London: Penguin Publishers, 1967). Berry, Edward, Othellos Alienation, Studies in English Literature 30.2 (1990), 315-34. Breight, Curt, Treason Doth Never Prosper: The Tempest and the Discourse of Treason, Shakespeare Quarterly 41(1990), 1-28. Brown, Paul, This Thing of Darkness I Acknowledge Mine: The Tempest and the Discourse of Colonialism, in Political Shakespeare: New Essays in Cultural Materialism, ed. by Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1985), pp.48-71. Davison, P., Othello: An Introduction to the Variety of Criticism (Hampshire: Macmillan Press, 1988). Everett, Barbara, Spanish Othello: The Making of Shakespeares Moor, in Shakespeare and Race, ed. by Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp.64-81. Harris, Bernard, A Portrait of a Moor, in Shakespeare and Race, ed. by Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp.23-36. Hendricks, Margo, Surveying Race in Shakespeare, in Shakespeare and Race, ed. by Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp.1-22. Hunter, G.K., Elizabethans and Foreigners, in Shakespeare and Race, ed. by Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp.37-63. Little, Arthur, Jr., An Essence Thats Not Seen: The Primal Scene of Racism in Othello, Shakespeare Quarterly 44 (1993), 304-324. Loomba, Anita, Delicious Traffic: Racial and Religious Difference on Early Modern Stages, in Shakespeare and Race, ed. by Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp.203-215. MacDonald, Joyce Green, Race, Ethnicity, and Power in the Renaissance (Cranbury, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1997). Orgel, Stephen, Introduction, The Tempest, The Oxford Shakespeare (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), pp.1-87. Shakespeare, William, Othello, ed. by E. A. J. Honigmann (Surrey: Thomas Nelson Sons Ltd., 1997). Shakespeare, William, Titus Andronicus, ed. by Eugene M. Waith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998). Shakespeare, William, The Tempest, ed. by Frank Kermode (London: Methuen, 6th ed., 1980). Strauss, A., Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987). Taylor, C., Hermeneutics and Politics, in Critical Sociology, Selected Readings, ed. by P. Connerton (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd, 1976), pp.153-193. Vaughan, Virgina Mason, Othello: A Contextual History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994).

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Essay Sample Can Help You Prepare

<h1>The Essay Sample Can Help You Prepare</h1><p>It's critical to comprehend that to be qualified for the FTE paper, you should have some degree of English Literature and FCE Writing capability. On the off chance that you are going after the FTE job in either English or Creative Writing, you ought to be set up for this. You should show your capability in the territories of Literature and Writing so as to be considered for the activity. Moreover, likewise with some other region of composing, you will likewise need to set up the papers for both the Creative Writing and English Literature positions.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous approaches to get ready for your article. The first is to peruse the example work that is accessible on the web. There are several free papers accessible through destinations, for example, These works can assist you with sharpening your aptitudes in a wide range of areas.</p><p></p>& lt;p>Another alternative is to take a free paper and use it as a beginning stage for a follow up in which you practice what you have realized. At the point when you figure out how to compose your article all alone, you will likewise be better ready to compose it for other people. Exploit free article tests and work on composing various sorts of expositions. On the off chance that you are not happy with utilizing a PC or a word processor, you can at present compose your exposition on paper. The initial step is to locate a clear paper and start with a pen.</p><p></p><p>Make sure that the entirety of your sentences are clear. Ensure that each word is spelled accurately. At that point attempt to consider how you would state something very similar in an unexpected way. While it is unquestionably evident that most exposition tests have clear issues, there are likewise those that are basic, right, and simple to peruse. When you have finished your composing practi ce paper, read it again to check for mistakes. You might need to utilize a spell checker to ensure that everything is correct.</p><p></p><p>The subsequent stage is to utilize the exposition test as a model for the sort of paper that you intend to compose. Attempt to adjust the plans to fit into the subject of your FTE paper. Try not to be reluctant to rephrase a couple of sentences in the event that you need to change things. Compose a layout, or diagram your article dependent on the models gave. You can utilize this blueprint as a guide for your composition and modify it as needed.</p><p></p><p>For the remainder of your exposition, start with a couple of short passages that give the peruser a decent feeling of your style and tone. This style of composing is essential to demonstrate the capacity to impart plainly and successfully. The thought is to introduce the thought in a reasonable and succinct way. Give instances of your work and how it identifies with the fundamental thoughts of your article. Clarify the different composing methods you use with the goal that the peruser can perceive how you can add them to your writing.</p><p></p><p>You can likewise take a gander at instances of composing done by other people who are expounding on a similar point. By getting a thought of what others have composed, you will have the option to show signs of improvement thought of how to introduce your own composition. Utilize similar instances of sentence structure and word decision to compose your article too.</p><p></p><p>The last advance is to clean your exposition. Try not to begin it immediately and afterward forget about it. Take a gander at your completed draft frequently, however don't peruse it over consistently or morning.</p>

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Problem Solution Essay Topics For Elementary Students

Problem Solution Essay Topics For Elementary StudentsProblem solution essay topics for elementary students can be fun to write, but that doesn't mean they are easy. They require critical thinking skills and a large dose of imagination. As such, when you prepare your essay you should focus on the specific problems that most elementary students encounter.Problem solving skills are required in every grade level. So while it is fun to write essay topics for elementary students, you want to make sure that you have things covered in the essay. You don't want to leave anything out and you also want your students to fully understand the topic. When you consider how many class problems are required in elementary school, this is critical. You want to make sure that your students fully understand the problem you are presenting.One thing you want to keep in mind with essay topics for elementary students is the use of analogies. Analogies are another key tool in writing and reading. They are easi er for elementary students to understand than fully abstract concepts.But there is more to analogies than just making things easier for students to understand. Analogy is also used to create an appealing feel. This will help the reader emotionally connect with the story. The more important concept in your problem is that the problem is interesting to readers. Once readers begin to identify with the characters, they will start to relate to the situation as well.In addition to being interesting, it is important to present the problems as a representation of the current state of affairs. Some students might have very specific ideas about what makes a problem compelling. Others may need a more generalized idea of why a problem is hard to solve. Either way, you want to find something to relate your problem to. By finding a relationship, the problem becomes understandable and hopefully even fun to solve.Problem solution essay topics for elementary students might include economic problems, political issues, environmental issues, or any other type of complex topic that has the potential to create a complex solution. All types of problems exist for elementary students. If you need to think about how to tackle a particular type of problem, it might be time to begin thinking about essay topics for elementary students.But perhaps the most important part of writing essay topics for elementary students is to make sure that you clearly outline your ideas. You should make sure that you spell everything out clearly so that readers can easily relate the subject matter to their own experiences. By spelling out your ideas in a clear and concise way, you can guarantee that your essay is the best it can be.Problem solution essay topics for elementary students are often quite challenging, but that doesn't mean they are unreadable. Just remember that essay topics for elementary students can involve complex ideas that can make the essay difficult to read and understand. Use your resea rch and expertise to help the reader understand the situation well and use analogies to make the content simple and understandable.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

A Startling Fact about Writing an Essay for Middle School Students Uncovered

<h1> A Startling Fact about Writing an Essay for Middle School Students Uncovered </h1> <h2> Choosing Good Writing an Essay for Middle School Students </h2> <p>In the methodology for picking a point, it's additionally shrewd to test your contention. Simply, it's a preface to your decision. Restricting the scope of a verifiable contention makes it workable for understudies to ponder the motivation behind why they bolster a particular response to the significant inquiry. Simply make a point not to rehash your earlier words precisely. </p> <p>Following that, you ought to choose what number of body passages you will have dependent on the kind of your examination. Start a rundown of inquiries which you'd love to have replied. On the off chance that you have the opportunity to pick, start by picking a subject that suits inside the organization you've been given. Also, a client may solicit the author to submit part from the activity for audit and, if necessary, request that her or him make remedies. </p> <p>Write about the most recent book you read. Test paper addresses will be dependent upon the subject, normally. Your proposition ought to advise the peruser what point you will make or what question you will be replying about this issue. </p> <p>Explain three different ways by which you can assist take with minding of the environmental factors. A few people don't have a clue about the importance of this progression, yet it truly is the most basic advance, so you won't crash from the chief focuses. It might take after a magnificent decision to ensure high caliber of our work, yet it isn't generally fitting. As a couple of ladies and men feel it isn't excessively direct. </p> <p>Writing prompts are among the best strategies to make certain journalists who adopt joy in the strategy. Additionally, remember that you'll need to introduce some verifiable proof for your supposition (all things considered, any scholarly paper should be bolstered by scholasticall y perceived sources), so don't go for subjects which are absolutely obstinate and don't have any chance of avocation. Understudies may compose enlightening expositions many ways. </p> <p>Provided that you know the central strides of article composing, you should be well-prepared to deal with any exposition point. At our article support, expositions are constantly conveyed in a short second. The articles must element more than five sources and a total list of sources. All things considered, a lot of contentious papers are in actuality convincing papers. </p> <p>There are a couple of incredible themes to consider when picking a point for your factious exposition. The absolute first thing you should do is pick a subject for your exposition. When you grasp the kind of paper, it's an ideal opportunity to pick a point. Eventually, on the off chance that you will compose and article yet have next to no information or enthusiasm for the point, remember that there are heaps of custom paper scholars which will readily carry out the responsibility for you. </p> <h2> Things You Should Know About Writing an Essay for Middle School Students</h2> <p>Consider what you could do so as to make your school increasingly wonderful. Working with school your child's educator and pediatrician can enable you to have. Secondary school understudies ought to form expositions on a choice. Guardians should be delicate to and strong of the time fundamental for the task. </p> <p>When you figure out how to make an article out of the sort, it will be exceptionally valuable to all of you through your school years. In the event that you're in human expressions field, at that point you may need to do this as a general rule. Research-based points expect understudies to gather data till they compose. Understudies that are as of now have raised degrees of accomplishment in the region of perusing should be urged to peruse expanded level books. </p> <p>However, remember that composing won't occur by injury. Perhaps the best ways to deal with see how to compose is to peruse the composed word! Rundown the most appealing things about your current old neighborhood. Clarify the advantages of seeing how to peruse. </p> <p>you have a chance to return and totally re-do an occasion in your life. You've welcomed your two closest companions to give the evening at your home. A little youngster loses their preferred toy while on a visit to a recrea tion center an extremely long path from their home. Mull over cordiality in your relatives. </p>

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Legal Issues in Construction - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 3059 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Essay any type Tags: Contract Law Essay Did you like this example? Introduction The industry of construction is very vast in UK, which sometimes contributes to 10 percent of the total GDP of the country. Many commercial issues have been grappled with it, all of them were in sharp focus by the critical climate of economy, since the mid of 2008. The essential nature of a contract can be encapsulated by different definitions. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Legal Issues in Construction" essay for you Create order One definition which is very well understood in the context of business is considered it as an agreement which give rise to the obligations and the rights thereto, which are enforceable and recognized by the law. The parties to contract are free, since the foundation of contract is on agreement, freedom in the wide limits for agreeing on the obligations to which they wanted to be bounded. Doctrine of the freedom of contract is stated the same. This results in the bounding of the parties to contract at any rate in the context of commerce with the obligation of fulfillment, no matter whether appropriate or not. The doctrine of freedom gives the corollary that no person can be forced to enter into a contract. In the context of business it can be understood as about the terms of contract, if either party to the agreement can set aside, no matter how costly or inconvenient it is for other party and in the terms of money and wasted time. It is possible to walk away and stop the negot iation even the work has done in the proposed contractà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s anticipation. The parties in law are bounded when the contract is conclude. If a party cannot comply with the liability made of the contract, the other party of the contract can seek for the redress. This can be done, if needed, by compensation of losses in monetary terms due to the failure, the enforcement of the right to pay, or in some circumstances in which sufficient redress canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t be provided an by an order due to which obligations are performed by the party. as An example when a consultants is failed in the performance of the services he/she is obliged to provide, the client of the said party can seek for the compensation of damages borne for obtaining the cost involved in the substitute performance i.e. services of other consultant. If the employer cannot perform the work he is obliged to by the contractor, the payment can be recovered in the form of debt. Concurrent liability in both tort and contract Every professional is owed to their clients a combination of duties such as fiduciary, statutory, tortious and contractual and to third parties the tortious duties. There have been a lot of cases, with relation to the concurrence of the responsibilities, especially in the field of medicine, which places doctors in contract for having concurrent responsibility and for physical injury in tort to their patients. Concurrent liability also covers financial losses as in the case of Henderson v Merrett Syndicates 1995, in which there were many cases which involve the underwriting members of the names of Lloyds who sue their managing agents. In such cases the accountants, auditors and bankers had a significant effect. In a lot of circumstances there is adequate proximity existed between the professional and client for finding a coextensive care in tort. This still does avoid or exempt from the circular question about the scope determination of the duty in tort that is often focused on the inquiry of the terms agreed upon under contract to be done. Therefore for overcoming the deficiencies usage of tort will not work. Another point worth noting is that, in a contract the claim made in tort does no increase the obligations of the professional usually. The same is in the construction in which the contractual duties of the structural engineers is included in checking of the sufficiency of the fixing details and the drawings but this is not extended to the literal supervision of the fixingsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ installations. If the contractual duties of these engineers are clear, these duties did not extend in the inclusion of supervision in a duty of care in tort. General responsibilities and duties and liability issues: Professional duties contain three major areas which are as follows: Express and Implied terms i.e. Contractual Statutory duties In the tort of Negligence The duties to the client would be found on as well as derived from the implied or express terms of the appointment clearly in most of the situations. It would be necessary to recognize from the beginning accurately what the role of the professional advisor was in bringing a claim or securing a claim. As an example, if the standard form of appointment is adopted, it often works as a reference to a schedule of some form or other which contains work stages of the professional advisers about the work description. This needs completion as it will give the point of start I the determination of the role of the consultant and thereby provide their obligations. If as an example, a problem rises with the building then the identification of the specific service is needed, which should have been performed by the professional advisor and which has not been performed sufficiently. It is needed that the claim should be particularized and should not be treated simply, for example the guarant eeing of end product by Architect à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" i.e. creation of a building which is free from defects completely, as the claim is based. The buildingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s defects or problems cannot be simply listed out and asserted that is the fault of the Architect due to the general failure of performance in his duties via the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur. The fact is remained that is the complete particularization of the claim in proper manner is the obligation of the claimant including the identification of particular areas of the consultantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s failure or was wanton the care of them. Claim A Claim is a statement of relief desired through a civil judicial proceeding where one party sues another for a wrong done, or to protect a right or to prevent a wrong. A statement of claims contains the legal documents. In modern construction field, contracts have been performing a greater share of role in claims against constructions. The books of law require th e clauses contained in it, to be followed with regards to several factors involved in the post contract administration. When a claim is submitted by the contractors, the relevant contract clauses have to be referred by them that are in accordance with the contract between the parties. The claims without the reference of relevant clauses are considered as invalidated. It is, therefore, mandatory for the contractors of a project to form conditions of contract. A contract means a bilateral agreement made prior to the execution of works with mutual understanding, in a construction project, between two or more parties. Most of times, claims are generated by the contractor to the client. For the employers, claim exhibit an enhanced cost of the project and conversely a claim can be a source of further earning for contractors, from the budget of the project. Basis of claims in construction industry Claims are mostly resulted by the certain events under the contract. These events happen and end with making an entitlement of a remedy that is mentioned in the contract under the specific provision of terms. These events can be described in two types, first these are specified under the contract and they might happen to occur. While second, the events that occur due to a breach of specific condition provided in the contract, which entitles the claimant to get remedy in case of non availability or partial availability of such stipulations along with the claim, arising out of the contract on the basis of such conditions where some or one of the terms in the contract have been breached and not remedy is designated. The remedy is subject to the validity of claim and will be designated in accordance with the applicable law of contact. A valid claim under the applicable law of the contact is based on the applicability of certain legal rule or principle. If the claim is held valid, the r emedy is due generally in a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"just and equitableà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ award keeping in view the circumstances that are specific to the case. The complete understanding of the entire needs and processes of the contract are crucial so that the risks of construction could be diminished that might result avoidable problems including litigation, claims, shoddy works and reworks along with loss of future business relations. The disputes related to construction might create several impacts that are disadvantageous. If these disputes are not appropriately managed, the result will occur in shape of project delays, undermining of team spirit, increased costs of projects and on the whole, the damage will occur in continuing business relationships. The appropriate sharing of responsibilities is a major element in terms of determination whether a specific contract of construction has to be recognized as a good contract. According to McCallum (2002), a good contract plainly informs a party about the steps to be taken and the responsibilities thereon. The contract also give detailed information to each party about their rights and if any one of the party fails to perform accordingly as defined, it determines the possible problems and gives a clear resolution and strikes the parties in such a way that proper allocation of responsibilities and risks could be determined. A good contract is indeed made of well drafted drawings and specifications that give the information to the contractors about what he has to do in order to earn the promised compensation. It also provides a way to determine if the objectives have been achieved. Causes of Disputes SITE ISSUES unfavorable site circumstances essential approvals that might have not been attained or might have been obtained only subject to unforeseen stipulation Archeological and civilizing discoveries of heritage Inappropriate access to the site Project site might be subject to non-validity of endorsement Any ecological issue leading towards delay and additional expenditure such as nonstop rain and high speed wind. DESIGN CONSTRUCT AND COMMISIONING ISSUES  · Design of the site is incompetent of delivering the service at predictable cost  · Construction actions take place during construction which delays the project from being delivered on time and on actual cost  · Commissioning tests which are needed to be accomplished for the commencement of provision of services might not be completely achieved.  · Design co-ordination on drawing and construct based project. SPONSOR AND FINANTIAL ISSUES  · High interest rates might be unfavorable and influence the bid price Lack of sponsorship to finance the project because of economic crisis Tax rates variance in the policy by government before and after the end of project Financial issues occurring because of change in ownership OPERATING ISSUES  · Expected cost is less than required cost along with poor quality  · Design and construction quality is insufficient leading to higher repairs and renovation cost  · Change in production requirement outside the decided range  · Subcontractor does not succeed in supplying the necessary service. POLITICAL AND SOCIETAL  · Change in policy by law during the proceeding of the project  · Change in rules during the construction of the project  · Extra approval needed during the construction of the project which is outside the contract such as labor strike and disputes. EXCULPATARY CLAUSES ISSUES  · Indemnity Clauses  · Inspecting site prior to the contractà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s award  · Liquidation Damages  · No delayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s damage Construction Contracts Disputes may come up when a property owner and a contractor become bound in construction contract. The terms of construction contracts usually define the way of resolving disputes, and also outline the duties and obligations of property owner and contractor. Significantly, the construction contracts will provide compensation if a promise is not performed by any of the party bounded in a contract. Construction Delays Delays are often experienced by the construction projects. There are some circumstances or unexpected situations which are not in control of owner and contractor. The question arises here is that if a delay in a project can occur, the owner can have recovery from the contractor or not. Excusable Delays The provisions of construction contract outline the particular cases where the contractor excuses for delay in project. The construction contracts usually have excuse delay which is caused by: Situations caused by nature calamity Issues and problems with labor Changing in design or project by owner Contractors are often provided by contracts an extended time if there is excusable delay. Typically, the contractor is required for giving the notice to owner with the reason of delay. Acceleration of a Construction Contract Acceleration may occur when the contractor is compelled by a property owner for the completing the project before time. But, it may conversely increase the price of contract because it than requires extra manpower for completing the project ahead of time. Constructive Acceleration Constructive acceleration may be occurred when the owner refuses the extension of time to the contractor for either reasonable request for time extension or an excusable delay. The contractor, through constructive acceleration, may recover for further expenses brought upon him for the refusal by owner. However, a contractor accelerates the performance actually and incurs additional costs for recovering under the doctrine of constructive acceleration. Mechanics Liens A material mens lien or mechanicà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s lien is referred to a technique used by the employed contractors to improve the real property for ensuring that owner of the property will pay them for materials and services performed. If the owner of property doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t pay for material or services, a court proceeding can be initiated by the mechanic for enforcing the lien often convincing property selling for paying for the materials and services. Dispute resolution methods The discussion about construction disputes from legal aspect is not supposed to be completed if would be done without discussing different dispute resolution methods. Some of them are discussed below: Architect/initial decision maker It is provided by some contracts that the initial decision maker is design professional. Even it is provided by others that the decision of design professional is binding all parties. The equationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s contractor side has felt over the yea r that these procedures are considered as unfair if design professional is working for the owner. Newer contracts therefore have the parties that decide either the design professional will resolve the disputes or not. Dispute resolution boards (DRBs) DRBs are now provided by many contracts which are consisted of senior/retired persons, who were involved actively in construction industry, like executives, managers, and project engineers. The truncated hearings are conducted by these individuals and then provide decisions in accordance with disputes that the parties bring before or during the projects. Though, the decisions of DRB is allowable in an arbitration setting or in a court, they are not often binding on parties. Mediation Mediation is considered as most satisfactory method for dispute resolution, whether it is applied during or after the completion of project. It can early occur in the process as parties are capable of organizing meditation and identifying a medi ator which is agreed mutually. A mediation however is successful after the parties; their consultants and attorneys have had an opportunity of reviewing the project file of other side, and prepare whatever may be essential. Mediations are non-binding, a neutral mediator is involved by them to understand the position of each side and then settle the disputes between parties and bring them together. Arbitration Arbitration during the course of 80s and 90s was the considered as the most favorable form to resolve the disputes between parties in construction industry, at least when the owner was capable of dictating the dispute resolution form. Arbitration was speedy and economical both because the arbitrators and the parties both manage the schedule in accordance with their ease. There was no jury and appeal unless the parties were agreed. At last, the arbitration panel was consisted of people who have sufficient knowledge about the construction industry. Arbitrations in contem porary era have fallen in disfavor up to some extent, which is because of numbers of parties who complained that arbitrators just à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“split the babyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . They have also an objection to common practice that it is not necessary for an arbitrator to follow law but instead did equity, basically ignoring the contractual statutory and provisions and judicial law that governed the obligations and rights of the parties. Litigation It is a resolution of disputes in the court where every party is subjected to every form of discovery, like depositions, document production demands, admission request, and interrogations. Then, the parties have a trial by jury or by court. If parties are not satisfied with the outcomes, they have a right to appeal. Litigation historically has a reputation for being expensive and long process. That is the one main reason for why arbitration became a trend in construction disputes. However, arbitration has lost some of its luster at the same time; some federal courts and states made the process specifically less expensive and faster. Government claims procedures There are some requirements in the public sector that a contractor must file a government claim first and undergo the procedure of administrative hearing before proceeding to litigate or arbitrate their claims. Conclusion The law of obligations contains the law of torts and the law of contract. The obligations of a person mainly provide the basis on agreement in the law of contract. These are allocated just to the other party to the agreement but not to the persons in a general way. Obligations can be as rigid as well as comprehensive as the parties want and required by their agreements because the obligations allocated in the contract are based on the agreement. The obligations of a person are basically evaluated by general principles of law in the law of torts. Moreover, these are generally allocated to persons. They are articulated in the form of general standards of conduct because obligations allocated in the tort are compulsory as part of the general law. For instance, the obligation not to unjustly interfere with the use of a person or enjoyment of their land creates the basis of the tort of nuisance; the obligation to work out appropriate skill as well as care so as not to cause damage or injury to others creates the basis of the tort of negligence.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Who Else Wants to Learn About Summer Pre-college Essay Samples?

<h1> Who Else Wants to Learn About Summer Pre-school Essay Samples? </h1> <h2> All About Summer Pre-school Essay Samples </h2> <p>It's workable for you to run over account exposition models any place you find an extraordinary story. The manner in which the theme influenced you'll have a tremendous impact in the manner you will compose your exposition. There's no perfect arrangement about how to create a viable paper. The least complex way to deal with form an incredible enticing article is to picked a theme you're certain about. </p> <p>Weave in your point of view to make your paper one of a kind. Test enticing articles can likewise offer motivation on themes to compose on notwithstanding fill in as models about how to form your exposition. Your powerful paper will have a great deal of passages. The best convincing short expositions frequently focus on questionable issues. </p> <p>You will get extraordinary writings, which will be done in time. There are no undaunted standards that you need to cling to as you compose. Others accept that it improves imagination and efficiency at work. You have to peruse the model responses to gain thoughts regarding what are acceptable sorts of answers and what are terrible types of answers. </p> <h2>The Do's and Don'ts of Summer Pre-school Essay Samples </h2> <p>If one section looks feeble, at that point the general degree of your exposition will be inadequate. Most scholastic paper subjects typically request that you select a side in a c ontention or possibly to shield a particular side against analysis. Models may likewise be remembered for every single one of the body sections to more help and explain your chief focuses. Looking into some story paper models can empower you to sort out your data and assist you with concluding how to form each section to gain the best results. </p> <h2> Life, Death, and Summer Pre-school Essay Samples </h2> <p>The basic section is maybe the most significant passage in the exposition as it's the underlying and potentially last chance to produce an impact on the peruser. Your requests will be completed precisely as you want. </p> <p>If you might want to make sense of how to create an awesome convincing paper, you're glancing in the right spot! The author's aim should be made self-evident. Something else that you should consider before composing is your chief point. At the point when you choose the subject and select the situation on which you will base your article, the rest of the activity would then be able to start. </p> <p>Money fulfills the real needs of the individual, however individuals should see that satisfaction isn't physical. It additionally doesn't change the manner in which individuals feel about you. People who have a lot of cash have a larger number of things than others that have a moderate volume. People that are centered around cash end up working constantly they don't have the opportunity to do the things they appreciate. </p> <p>Second, thoughts a sentiment of spots that can be made viable enhancements for. Having incredible research capacities and choosing a fantastic point is basic. You may confide in us to introduce master help for a considerable lot of your scholarly composing needs. The target of conceptualizing is to assist you with accepting thoughts. </p> <p>Adoption is an answer There are a few childless couples who'd be anxious to flexibly an overall quite stable home for an undesirable infant. There's a pool of subjects to pick from. Verify you eat a fortifying and adjusted supper the prior night, get a not too bad evenings rest, at that point have an a lot more advantageous breakfast a few hours of. While endeavoring to figure out how to make an influential article bit by bit, understudies disregard another pivotal action. </p> <p>Supply costs and records differ by the class and major and aren't accessible until the absolute first second. Regardless of what you do or keep in touch with you generally require a procedure. You will be relied upon to complete some online pre-appearance assignments before beginning the program. Understudies ought to pick which position they should take dependent on the sum and bore of the focuses they're prepared to think of to help their position. </p> <p>Core coursework is actually the equivalent for all understudies. Understudies shouldn't need to wear garbs. They ought not need to wear school regalia since they limit understudies' capacity to communicate their singularity. They need to compose articles relying upon the educator's guidelines or their ideal style recorded as a hard copy. </p> <p>Rather than secondary school subjects, school subjects are fairly all the more testing to find. Attempting to convince your instructor might be very debilitating. In such a situation, an understudy must pick a legitimate theme to expound on. There are heaps of enticing paper models undergrads can utilize on the web. </p> <h2> The Summer Pre-school Essay Samples Game </h2> <p>Nobody should take an individual's life since they didn't give life. It is critical to know that ideal' connections aren't constantly present and is impossible between twins. </p> <h2>The Good, the Bad and Summer Pre-school Essay Samples </h2> <p>Don't overlook that any factious exposition test you'll find on the web will require a full modifying so as to forestall counterfeiting. The entirety of the main focuses should be succinctly referenced in the review. The real people profoundly acclaim our exposition help site. You can rely upon the perfect paper he lp on the web. </p>

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Cause and Effect Essay Topics

<h1>Cause and Effect Essay Topics</h1><p>When you are composing an extraordinary circumstances and logical results paper, there are bunches of topic that you have to consider. This paper will be a significant piece of your evaluation, thus you will need to be certain that you know about what is happening on the planet at the time that you are composing the article. Here are some extraordinary circumstances and logical results article themes that you can use.</p><p></p><p>First of all, ensure that you have a target for the paper. You would then be able to feel free to think of a framework for your exposition point. You can begin by assembling a course of events and afterward the various parts of the article point. It is acceptable to remain with one point for every part of the essay.</p><p></p><p>You ought to do something very similar with the body of your paper. The primary section ought to be the presentation. You sho uld then place the following section into the body of the article. At that point you can go on to the following passage, etc. Attempt to make your sections as brief as could reasonably be expected, and afterward put them in the request in which they show up in the essay.</p><p></p><p>The most significant thing that you can do is to write as an outsider looking in, however it is likewise acceptable to put some story on the article to truly enable the peruser to improve thought of what is happening. At the point when you write as an outsider looking in, it assists with ensuring that the way that you compose is reliable with how others really talk.</p><p></p><p>There are a few distinct sorts of causes, and afterward the various kinds of impacts that happen as a result of them. The most mainstream cause is the enthusiastic impact. This is the reason this is the most well known circumstances and logical results article topic.</p><p ></p><p>Each part can go over an alternate reason. For instance, in the event that you are expounding on the human services framework, you can experience the various things that could turn out badly with the social insurance framework. You can likewise experience the manners in which that the social insurance framework has helped others. You can experience the various maladies that individuals are influenced by.</p><p></p><p>After you get done with the passionate impact, you would then be able to concentrate on the political impact. You can see things like the wars, the outrages, and the entirety of the negative things that occur on the planet. In the event that you can relate this to some particular political figure, at that point that is even better.</p><p></p><p>Finally, you can concentrate on the business circumstances and logical results. You can see business cycles, or the worldwide economy, and the way that these influence different organizations and things that are going on the planet. This is the most fascinating subject, and when you are finished with this segment of the article, you can proceed onward to the parts that manage the impact on the general world.</p>

What Experts Arent Saying About Original Term Papers and How This impacts You

<h1> What Experts Aren't Saying About Original Term Papers and How This effects You </h1> <h2> The Do's and Don'ts of Original Term Papers</h2> <p>Research work is required for examine paper themes, and understudies experience issues finding reliable and exact research material. Directing the exploration at first before picking a proposal proclamation will assist you with deciding the data accessible and what point it is conceivable to take to create your subject both enrapturing and useful to your crowd. Keep on encountering that procedure till you feel you've constrained your proposal however much as could be expected. You could battle to find the examination that guides your contention, and you may likewise be re-thinking your own comprehension. </p> <p>If you don't make sure to reference appropriately, you might be blamed for literary theft. There are bunches of references designs that are utilized for organizing scholastic papers alongsi de academic research projects. </p> <h2> How to Get Started with Original Term Papers?</h2> <p>Most composing organizations stunt understudies with thoroughly free exposition benefits that aren't unique. The APA group is among the most incessant composing styles followed in various schools and colleges. </p> <h2> The Demise of Original Term Papers </h2> <p>Unless you're chipping away at a verifiable paper that requests old sources, you should utilize data which is exceptional. Anyway intriguing your subject is, there might be essentially no data that can be found on the net or the exploration might be profoundly mystery and not set up to be distributed. The rundown was at first evolved as an approach to furnish understudies in my course with an expansive enough assortment of points they wouldn't all attempt to utilize precisely the same library assets all the while. It's essential to visit the library or peruse the web to find tenable sources and significant realities. </p> <p>When you've inquired about on a particular theme, you're relied upon to utilize a specific reference style. Perusing our article composing tests can offer you a sense whether the standard of our expositions is the quality you're searching for. Our unique exposition composing organization is among the absolute best composing organizations in the business for our reasonable unique and unrivaled quality papers. There are a few article composing administrations that believe they're the absolute best, and along these lines don't be cheated and check the authentic assortment of the very best.</p> <p>Utilizing proficient composing administrations to make a customized research project for you may be fitting. Alongside the sort of paper, the measure of the paper will likewise decide the theme you select and the amount of research you direct. Sparing half of its paper flexibly is as of now conceivable because of its two-sided mechanized printing. Experience no sticker price and comfortable as you flexibly your underlying research papers from our organization.</p> <h2> Ruthless Original Term Papers Strategies Exploited</h2> <p>You may likewise beware of the standard of the best point for research project to get the opportunity to comprehend the kind of expert administrations that we're talking about. Valid, such kind of task for a research paper needs a trustworthy methodology, time and certainty that you're doing it right. Investing energy in defining, examine and making the reasonable inquiry may seem like an exercise in futility, yet it's a venture that will assist you with sparing you exertion in the long haul. Thus, a few days without noticeable advancement, beaten and disappointed, you select to search for motivation on the web by perusing for research paper tests. </p> <p>Writing a research project is certifiably not a straightforward assignment in any regard. As an approach to introduce a beneficial research paper, understudies must be wary in picking the point and introducing the paper. </p> <p>MLA Format research project isn't the most noticeably terrible task in the Earth, so unwind and essentially do it! Research papers are attempting, yet likewise they have the capacity to be fairly fulfilling. World History Research Papers include a surprising measure of data. Introducing The Research Paper Research papers must be introduced well to have the best effect. </p> <p>Make certain you utilize the most reasonable terms that are related with your instructional class. Remember that the end is a piece of the paper and the term tally applies to it. A research paper is expected to examine your insight in the program. Since the time your research paper is about what you've realized and what more you wish to learn, you ought to unmistakably show your insight together with proof of unique idea. </p> <p>To start with, it's critical to have a look at the rundown of subjects for research project extends and select the most appropriate one. In the event t hat you're dealing with a research paper or are simply scanning for a subject to start your exploration, we've recorded a short assortment of test themes for you. Now and again you're doled out a point, yet on excellent conditions, you're offered opportunity to settle on a theme in regards to the program. Your theme shouldn't be excessively expansive or excessively limited as in the two circumstances it will be dubious to stay concentrated on the essential subject. </p>

Friday, May 8, 2020

Essay Topics For Philosophy

Essay Topics For PhilosophyYou will be delighted with the ability to choose essay topics for philosophy because they can be used in a number of ways. If you are not sure what type of topic would be best, consider some of the common reasons people write on their topic. These might provide some ideas for what you might want to do.Firstly, some people simply like to read about the subject matter. They might have learned a lot about a topic while doing research or watching documentaries on the topic. This may be due to how there is so much information available.Another way to use your topic is to explore different angles in interesting ways. It is possible to use a perspective that is different from that of others by exploring your own personal views. If you had made different choices, you could explore other factors that might have influenced your choices. Many times, you will be surprised to find the subject matter you choose has many similarities.One thing you should be aware of is th at, although philosophy is always considered an academic subject, it is not always considered that way in the real world. Many people enjoy the idea of exploring topics that are not always considered academic. For example, people love to read about animals, nature, life and animals that they may have heard about.Finally, if you are interested in writing an essay that will be different than the others, then consider approaching a unique approach to the topic. The fact that this is considered an academic subject is an advantage, because it is one that is considered as such by the professional. An interesting approach to a philosophical topic gives it more credibility.You will be delighted with the variety of options you have for popular essay topics for philosophy. You should be able to research and identify topics that are similar. If you choose to write about what you know, you will find many other people who have already done so. This will give you a great base to work from, which will give you more options.There is a great variety of subjects for writing essays for philosophy. If you are interested in the topic, look at various options that are available. You will be very happy with the results. If you are worried about how your topic will look, think about what others have written about it and you will see that there is an amazing variety of options to choose from.One of the most important subjects for writing a philosophical essay is the ethics of life. If you are trying to write about something that is difficult, this topic is probably the hardest. Look at topics that are difficult, but that have interesting opinions about them. There is a great variety of ways to approach this topic.

Where to Attend College

Where to Attend CollegeThe type of colleges that are being accredited in the United States is changing all the time, and it can be difficult to stay current with all of them. Many years ago, it was possible to simply check the internet to find out where the colleges were located, but this is no longer the case. For most students, finding out where to attend college is only one step in the process, as they also need to know how much money they will need to pay in order to attend.One way to keep up with the colleges that are accredited by the American Council of Higher Education is through college research paper services. These services offer a variety of different types of printed materials and can offer just about any type of information that they can imagine. Some colleges will have books, some will have journals, while others will offer many different types of reports. Finding a service that has everything you need should be your first step, as you will need to have some form of do cumentation that you can refer to whenever you decide to contact the college that you are interested in.When you begin looking for these college research paper services, be sure to check the school's website. Most sites will list a link for the service, and if you don't see this link listed, then it is a good sign that the college doesn't offer this service. Also, look for ads from companies that specialize in this type of service, as they will likely advertise that they can provide these for all of the colleges in the area.These services usually will be found on the internet, and they can be found in one of two ways. If you search for the company online, you will find them on the first page of the results; however, if you search for them on the website of the university or college, you will have to scroll down the results a bit to get to the company. When it comes to finding a service like this, you should try to find one that is small enough that you can easily visit their website and read their reviews.When you go to look for college research paper services, you should be able to find these sites on a site called SERP. This service is actually really useful for finding what you are looking for; however, it can be difficult to use and even more difficult to find the information you need. If you try to search for college research paper services by using this service, you will find that most people in the site are not listed, and the service itself can take hours of searching to find what you need. It is best to look elsewhere for this service.When you use a search engine like Google, Yahoo, or MSN, you will be able to find a few sites that offer these services. These sites will often offer the service and will have plenty of great information about the various colleges. You can use this information to find the college that you are interested in; however, you should make sure that the college is accredited. If the college is not accredited, then you will have to look elsewhere.College research paper services should not be your only source of information when it comes to where to attend college. However, they can be a great place to start, as they will allow you to search for colleges that are accredited. Once you have narrowed down the choices, you will have a great choice of college to choose from.